Celebrating Bay Area Craft Beer & Breweries

The Bay Area Brewers Guild represents local independent craft breweries serving neighborhoods in every corner of the Bay Area, from San Francisco to East Bay, from North Bay to Silicon Valley, and on down the Coast.

Our members actively contribute to their communities, holding fundraisers and collaborations with local organizations year round, advocating for diversity, equity and inclusion within and beyond our industry, and helping drive consumer awareness and tourism that creates jobs and strengthens local economies.

SF Beer Week 2025

February 21 - March 2 - 16 Years of Commemorating Independent Craft Beer!
Featuring a slew of diverse events and special releases throughout the Bay Area — special collaborations, meet the brewers, beer & food, community events, fundraisers, crawls, live shows, talks, creative, playful and fitness events, and more, including two premier tasting events showcasing craft beer from across the regional on opening night, with the intimate and supremely tasty SFBW Beer & Bites @ 21st Amendment in East Bay, and first Saturday's killer SFBW Fest @ Barebottle Salesforce Park in SF — all in support of the Bay Area Brewers Guild, craft beer and craft breweries. (Watch SFBW for news & tix.)


Put the world-class Bay Area craft beer scene at your fingertips. Discover local events, visit breweries and craft beer shops, track and tag new releases, create itineraries, sign up for news and notifications, and more -- all while supporting Bay Area craft breweries.

Thank you for visiting. Most especially, thank you for supporting the Bay Area Brewers Guild and all local small businesses, as we collectively endeavor to revitalize our communities and rebuild connections, with each other and to the places we live, work and share life's joys.